Refund & Exchange Policy

Don’t think your order is right for you? Don’t sweat it!
FIVETYEIGHT offers free and easy returns within 7 days after delivery


Returning Of Item

Returning item is easy. Make sure your item is returnable with the following checklist

Exchange Eligibility

Exchanges are only available for size and/or colour of the same style. Health, beauty & food products are non exchangeable and refundable.  We recommend to return your original item for a refund and place a new order for the different product.

Sale items are non-exchangeable. 

Refunds Process

Refunds are by default, is your original payment method. Sale items are non-refundable.

Please note:

  • FIVETYEIGHT reserves the rights to withhold any refunds if your original item has not reached our mailing address.
  • If your exchange item is unavailable, we will proceed to refund you fully by default payment.
  • Shipping fees are non-refundable.
  • For card/third party payment, your refunded amount will be after deduction of card fee.
  • Ensure that refund details given are correct and complete.
  • Voucher codes cannot be re-issued and are non-refundable. If you return an item which was purchased using a voucher code, only the final paid price (after discount) will be refunded.
  • We are unable to accommodate any refund reversal requests if 7 days from the refund date.
  • Not applicable for Sale Item